Viktor Skomorokha
Viktor Skomorokha |
Viktor Skomorokha was born in 1941 in Matrosove, Dnipropetrovsk region. He graduated from Kharkiv Law Institute (at present Yaroslav Mudry National Law Academy of Ukraine) in 1967. The same year he began his professional activity as a judge at Krasny Luch city People’s court in Luhansk region. From 1970 he served as a judge at Luhansk regional court. In 1976 he was elected judge of the Supreme Court of Ukraine. He has the higher qualification rank of a judge. In September 1996 at the Third (extraordinary) Congress of Judges of Ukraine he was appointed Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. At the special plenary session of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine he was elected Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine from October, 1999 until October 2002. Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor. Title of thesis: “The Constitutional Court of Ukraine in a mechanism of state authority”. Distinguished Lawyer of Ukraine. He participated in drafting the Concept of the judicial reform in Ukraine, the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On the Status of Judges” and some other laws. He is the author of numerous publications devoted to the analysis and application of the legislation and the protection of human rights, in particular: Administrative reform in Ukraine: necessary legislative measures (legal aspects of the separation and sharing of power); Some questions of the constitutional examination; Constitutional Court of Ukraine: experience and challenges; Impact of the constitutional justice on the evolution of the Ukrainian constitutionalism; the Process of examination of cases and the content of the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine; Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court as a means of implementation of the European standards of human rights and freedoms in Ukraine; Some questions of the separation of power and the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. The “Memory and Pain”, a book of criminal and publicistic essays, was published in 1999. Decorated with the Order of Merit, 2nd and 1st classes, the Medal of Veteran of Labour, the Cross of Honour for the Renaissance of Ukraine. Candidate for a prize of Almanac "Gold Book of the Ukrainian elite" for 2000, 2001. Viktor Skomorokha’s authorities were terminated on October 19, 2005.