Contact Information
14, Zhylianska str.,
Kyiv 01033, Ukraine
Tel.: (+38044) 238-14-01
Opening hours :
Mon - Thu - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri - 8 a.m. - 3.45 p.m.
Break - 1 p.m. - 1.45 p.m.
Office of the Head of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine
(044) 238-10-50; (044) 289-04-33 (fax)
Reference information about registration of incoming and outgoing correspondence of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine:
(044)238-10-30; (044)238-11-17; (044)238-11-19; (044)238-13-37 (fax)
Reference information concerning the consideration by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine of cases on constitutional submissions, constitutional appeals, constitutional complaints:
(044)238-10-30; 238-11-17
Reference information on citizens' appeals:
(044)238-13-65; (044)238-13-74
Reference information on obtaining public information:
(044)238-10-30; (044)238-11-17
Requests for public information may be submitted to the Court by individuals or legal entities, associations of citizens without the status of a legal entity in oral or written form at the choice of the requester:
- to the postal address: 14, Zhylianska street, Kyiv, 01033;
- to the e-mail address:;
- by fax: (044) 238-13-37;
- by phone: (044) 238-10-30, 238-11-17, 238-11-19;
- through the official website of the Court:;
- in person to the Reception of Appeals to the Court (14, Zhylyanska street, near the central entrance to the Court).
Reference information on the organisation of hearings of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine:
(044)238-10-45; (044)238-13-14; (044)238-11-43; (044)289-64-47 (fax).