Meeting with expert community representatives

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Meeting with expert community representatives

 On March 28, 2018 Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Stanislav Shevchuk, Judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Vasyl Lemak, Mykola Melnyk, Ihor Slidenko and management of the Secretariat met with representatives of the expert community.

 The meeting was attended by experts from the Centre of Policy and Legal Reform Bohdan Bondarenko, Mykola Havroniuk, the Election Law Institute Yurii Kliuchkovskyi, Razumkov Centre Viktor Musiiaka, the Reanimation Package of Reforms Yuliia Kyrychenko, Roman Kuibida, Mykhailo Zhernakov, Dejure foundation Andrii Khymchuk.

The public discussion was held with the aim to discuss important issues related to modern constitutional justice, first of all, the public opinion on ways of their solution, as well as raising public awareness of the activities of the constitutional jurisdiction body.

 During the conversation, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Stanislav Shevchuk stressed that the priority area of the Court's work remains to restore confidence in the constitutional control body, to increase its authority, as well as the independence of the Court and protection of the Constitution. "Trust in the Court is the main thing, so it's important not to lose it, but we have to reinforce it," said the spokesman.

Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Ihor Slidenko noted that today there is a problem of relations between civil society and public institutions in the country. He noted that the transparency of the activity of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine remains important. In his opinion, the essential assistance in the work of the Court is expert commentary on the decisions of the Court and explaining them to the public. Therefore, expert activity is strategically important, underlined the judge.

Expert of the Reanimation Package of Reforms Yuliia Kyrychenko congratulated Stanislav Shevchuk on his election as the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. She emphasised the importance of strengthening the communication of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, expert capacity, as well as the educational role of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in understanding the society of the Constitution of Ukraine and enhancing the constitutional culture of the population. The experts are ready to assist the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, in particular, through the implementation of joint projects, noted Yuliia Kyrychenko.

The expert of the Razumkov Centre Viktor Musiiaka noted that the restoration of the constitutional order is important, and he wants to see the Court's decisions one could be proud of.

The Constitutional Court of Ukraine is the body of constitutional control, which is the highest body that exists in the state, said the expert of the Centre of Policy and Legal Reform Mykola Havroniuk. He emphasised that the role of the public in restoring public confidence in the Court is extremely important.

 Expert of the Reanimation Package of Reforms Mykhailo Zhernakov emphasised the positive tendencies that are taking place in the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, which, in his opinion, is testified by this meeting in particular. He noted that today it is important to lay the foundation, which will continue to work, and expressed readiness to provide expert assistance to the Court.

Yurii Kliuchkovskyi touched upon determining the forms of interaction with the public in order to increase the authority of the court. Today the issue of shaping a constitutional doctrine remains topical, noted the Election Law Institute expert.

The importance of conducting awareness-raising work to raise citizens' awareness of the implementation of the right to constitutional complaint was stressed by the expert of the Reanimation Package of Reforms Roman Kuibida.

During the constructive dialogue, the parties exchanged views on the development of the body of constitutional jurisdiction, strengthening its independence and restoring its credibility. Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Stanislav Shevchuk thanked the representatives of the expert community for the initiative of the meeting and noted the importance of maintaining a permanent dialogue with the public. "We are doing a common cause for the Court to be independent, and the Constitution to be protected", stated Stanislav Shevchuk.






Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2024 Constitutional Court of Ukraine