The Constitutional Court of Ukraine Continues to Perform its Constitutional Functions under Martial Law and in a Special Period

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Judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine hold plenary sessions and sessions of the Grand Chamber of the Court, sessions of the Court's Senates and Boards of Judges. Since January, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine has adopted 273 acts. These acts are 228 rulings of the Grand Chamber of the Court; 5 resolutions of the Court; 2 decisions of the Court's Senates; 7 rulings of the Court's Senates; 31 rulings of the boards of judges of the Court.

Due to objective reasons, the Court's Secretariat ensures the performance of the assigned tasks remotely or in the administrative building of the Court. In particular, they continue to prepare materials for the Court's sessions, receive and process constitutional complaints, requests for public information and appeals received by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, etc.

Since the beginning of the year, 71 constitutional complaints were lodged with the Constitutional Court. According to the results of their preliminary examination, 34 constitutional complaints were distributed among the judges-rapporteurs. 36 complaints that did not meet the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine” were returned to the subjects of the right to constitutional complaints; one constitutional complaint is being processed by the Secretariat of the Court.

Also during this time, the Secretariat of the Court has prepared and sent 145 responses to requests for public information and citizens' appeals. Informing the public about the work of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine is an integral part of its activities. The Constitutional Court of Ukraine systematically publishes information about its activities on its official website and in social networks.


Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine