Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Yurii Baulin met a delegation of the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection

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Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Yurii Baulin met a delegation of the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection


On April 2, 2014 Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Yurii Baulin met with a delegation from the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection of the Federal Republic of Germany, headed by the Secretary of State Stefanie Hubig.

Yurii Baulin noted with pleasure the longstanding cooperation of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine with a number of leading legal and scientific institutions in Germany. He specifically thanked the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ), which had been cooperating with the Constitutional Court of Ukraine since 1996 and during that time had made a lot for the development of friendly relationship between Ukrainian and German constitutionalists and generally to strengthen the image of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on the international arena. The Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine expressed a belief in the necessity to maintain good traditions of scientific contacts between judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany as well as to develop cooperation with German lawyers in the future with the support of the IRZ.

In this view, Yurii Baulin outlined areas of interaction that could be implemented in the near term as interesting and useful for both sides. First of all, it is necessary to intensify the exchange between judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany for the purpose of scientific and practical acquaintance with the activities of bodies of constitutional jurisdiction in both countries. Such a dialogue would be very useful for the judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, and our colleagues from Germany, said Yurii Baulin. He also supported the exchange of experience on the level of scientific advisers and experts of the Directorate of Legal Expertise of Constitutional Court of Ukraine and relevant departments of Federal Constitutional Court of Germany. Another promising area could be cooperation of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine with the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ) in the organisation of international scientific conferences and round tables in Ukraine that would be a discussion platform for the exchange of experience of Ukrainian constitutionalists with their foreign counterparts, promoting a positive image of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in Europe and worldwide.

In addition, the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine considers it appropriate to introduce a series of events that once had proven to be effective, in particular Ukrainian-German colloquiums on implementation of the constitutional complaint in Ukraine. Yurii Baulin also proposed to launch publication of scientific articles of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine judges in professional German law editions to convey the views of Ukrainian constitutionalists to German and European public, and, in turn, he expressed readiness to assist the judges of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany in the distribution of their publications in the "Bulletin of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine". Another idea concerns the exchange of experience between the staff of Constitutional Courts of Ukraine and Germany on Court’s financing, optimising and saving budgetary resources, improving internal workflow and other issues concerning the organisation of the Courts’ activities.

Stefanie Hubig thanked Yurii Baulin for specific proposals and noted that the raised issues were also important for German lawyers. The Head of the German delegation noted that savings of public funds, introduction of modern methods of document management, improvement ofmechanism of processing constitutional appeals are urgent topics for the Constitutional Court of Ukraine as well as for Federal Constitutional Court of Germany. In this view, Stefanie Hubig supported the idea of ​​Ukrainian constitutionalists to enhance the comprehensive exchange of experience with German colleagues and promised to promote its effective implementation.

Director of the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation Dirk Mirow positively responded to the proposals of Yurii Baulin. He thanked the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine for the appreciation of the cooperation between Ukrainian constitutionalists and the Foundation and expressed his willingness for further partnership. Specifically, Dirk Mirow promised to assist in the organisation of a bilateral colloquium on constitutional complaint, translation of articles of German constitutionalists for publication in Ukraine and provide support in the implementation of other projects discussed at the meeting.

During the meeting, the participants discussed legislative initiatives aimed at  changing theorganisation of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, functioning of constitutional complaint inGermany and so on. Discussing possible amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine", submitted in Parliament, Yurii Baulin noted that it would be useful for Ukrainian lawmakers to analyse the German legislation regulating the procedural activities of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany. In this regard the IRZ representatives said they would assist in the translation of the Federal Law on the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany into the Ukrainian language.

Summing up the dialogue, the Chairman of Constitutional Court of Ukraine thanked for exchange of views and expressed hope for further cooperation with German lawyers and successful implementation of all joint initiatives.

The German delegation warmly thanked Yurii Baulin for the opportunity to discuss current issues and expressed confidence that all bilateral initiatives would be successfully implemented.

Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
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