The Constitutional Court of Ukraine will review the constitutionality of certain provisions of the Law of Ukraine  “On Organization of Labour Relations under Martial Law”

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On June 13, 2024, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights filed a constitutional petition with the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, in which it requested to review the constitutionality of the Articles, 12.1.3,  paragraph 3.2 of the Section “Final Provisions” of the Law of Ukraine “On the Organization of Labour Relations under Martial Law” No. 2136-IX of March 15, 2022.

The subject of the right to a constitutional petition considers that the challenged legislative provisions, which changed the procedure for granting unused days of annual basic leave for the period of validity, as well as after the termination or lifting of martial law, are inconsistent with the Constitution of Ukraine.

The constitutional petition has been submitted to the judge-rapporteur.

The text of the constitutional petition is available on the official website of the Court in the section “Pending before the Court”.

Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2024 Constitutional Court of Ukraine