It is possible to strengthen the system of anti-corruption bodies of the state only by bringing the legislation in line with the Constitution of Ukraine

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It is possible to strengthen the system of anti-corruption bodies of the state only by bringing
the legislation in line with the Constitution of Ukraine

On November 11, 2020, the Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Fedir Venislavskyi in an interview with one of the media once again commenting on the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine of October 27, 2020 No. 13-r/2020 and its work as a whole, stated, among other things, that the text of the respective decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine was already in the Office of the President on October 27,2020, i.e. on the day of its adoption. He also noted that “the Constitutional Court of Ukraine is systematically attacking the entire system of anti-corruption bodies.” He also commented on the state of health of judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the staff of the Secretariat of the Court.

After analysing a number of publications and statements of Mr. Venislavskyi, it becomes obvious that he spreads only his personal views on the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, the issues of his future work and the future of judges in general. Moreover, Fedir Venislavskyi's visits to the Constitutional Court, which are not related to the President's representation in the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, his communication with individual judges may indicate illegal influence. We assume that all this may be related to his political activities, as these actions are not within his direct powers as the Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

In view of the above, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine requests the Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Constitutional Court of Ukraine to inform in what way and who, in violation of current legislation, submitted the text of the Constitutional Court's decision to the President's Office before its official publication on the Court's official website.

Also, in order to provide objective information, we would like to inform you that the Constitutional Court of Ukraine has currently registered some preliminary diagnoses of COVID-19 with several judges.

Therefore, in order to prevent the spread of the disease, judges work remotely. There were no court hearings involving judges diagnosed with the disease or its symptoms.

At the same time, we note that not only the Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Constitutional Court is trying to discredit the work of the Court. It is obvious that the Chairman of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption Oleksandr Novikov is waging an information warfare in order to hide his illegal actions concerning the execution of the decision of the Constitutional Court and prevent legal liability for it.

In view of the above, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine will further refrain from responding to the dissemination of such information by these persons.



Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2024 Constitutional Court of Ukraine