Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Stanislav Shevchuk took part in judicial education program "Economics Institute for Judges"

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Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Stanislav Shevchuk took part in judicial education program "Economics Institute for Judges"




On May 2-9, 2015 upon the invitation of the Executive Director of the "Law & Economics Center" at George Mason University, Professor of Law Henry N. Butler, Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, Chairperson of the Standing Commission of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on International Relations Stanislav Shevchuk took part in the judicial education program "Economics Institute for Judges", held in Washington DC, USA.

The program was aimed at studying certain aspects of economic analysis when making judgments and application and interpretation of the norms of law. In the course of lectures and practical exercises the following topics were discussed: fundamentals of economic analysis; ownership and economic exchange; basics of scientific methodology in the analysis of economic and legal phenomena; demand, supply and mutually beneficial exchange in the economy; economic markets in the course of their development; the impact of ownership of third parties in the context of theCoase theorem; formation of market prices; competition and monopoly; introduction to behavioral economics; the use of empirical research in decision-making in the sphere of public policy; basic concepts of the theory of public choice.

The training was attended by 25 judges of local and appellate courts of different US states and 10 judges from European countries, including Ukraine, Albania, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia, Turkey and others.

During his stay in the US capital Stanislav Shevchuk held a series of meetings with representatives of the US State Department, the Department of Justice, the Brookings Institution (National Institute of Advanced Studies) and The Federalist Society, at which the problems and prospects for implementation in Ukraine of the judicial and legal reform were discussed.

Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
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