July 13. The Court Сonsidered Сases Upon Constitutional Petitions of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights and People's Deputies of Ukraine

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On Thursday, July 13, 2023, the Grand Chamber at its in-camera part of the plenary session proceeded with the consideration of cases upon the following constitutional petitions:

- Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights regarding the constitutionality of Article 90, paragraph 2.1 of Section XI “Final and Transitional Provisions” of the Law of Ukraine “On Civil Service” of December 10, 2015, No. 889-VIII, Article 21.7 of the Law of Ukraine “On Service in Local Self-Government Bodies”;

- 47 People’s Deputies of Ukraine regarding the constitutionality of the provisions of paragraphs one to four of part two, part three, parts six to nine, parts twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-six, parts twenty-eight to thirty-three of Article 91, Article 92 of the Law of Ukraine “On Alternative Energy Sources”, parts two, four, paragraph 3 of part nine of Article 65 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Electricity Market”;

- 46 People’s Deputies of Ukraine on the official interpretation of the provisions of the first sentence of Article 13.1, Article 14.1 of the Constitution of Ukraine.

The Court will proceed with the consideration of these cases at one of its forthcoming plenary sessions.

The same day, a session of the Second Board of Judges of the Second Senate was held, at which the judges adopted a ruling (final) on the refusal to initiate constitutional proceedings in the case upon the constitutional complaint of Volodymyr Kolomiyets regarding the constitutionality of Article 12.4 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection".

Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2024 Constitutional Court of Ukraine