The opening session of the 5th Constitutional Law Summer School was held at the Constitutional Court of Ukraine

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The opening session of the 5th Constitutional Law Summer School was held at the Constitutional Court of Ukraine


On July 25, 2016 the opening session of the 5th Constitutional Law Summer School "Rule of Law and Constitutionalism" was held at the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. This year the School celebrates its first official anniversary, thus, its solemn opening session took place at  the sole body of constitutional jurisdiction in Ukraine. It is symbolical that in autumn 2016 the Constitutional Court of Ukraine celebrates its 20th anniversary since its foundation.

Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine's ad hoc judge to the European Court of Human Rights  Stanislav Shevchuk welcomed the participants of the School and thanked the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine for the support in organisation and running of the event.

Stanislav Shevchuk reminded that on June 2, 2016 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine on Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine (on justice), which provides national reform of the judiciary, including the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. He stressed that the main idea of ​​the reform is not only to study and implement the amendments that were voted on in the Parliament, but also to understand and apply the Constitution in the context of constitutional values. The Constitution is not only the text, but values ​​and human rights that have an untapped potential, -  he continued.

National Legal Advisor, the Head of the Rule of Law OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine Oleksandr Vodyannikov welcomed guests and noticed that the event involved representatives from all regions of Ukraine who have passed very serious competition, and they are “the future of our State”.

Deputy Head of Presidential Administration of Ukraine, Secretary of the Constitutional Commission, Council Coordinator of Judicial Reform Oleksii Filatov told about the activity of the Constitutional Commission, which developed the proposals of the amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine. Leading constitutional law experts, Ukrainian and international experts took an active part in its meetings.

Oleksii Filatov stressed on the major innovations of the constitutional amendments on justice, such as the depoliticisation and ensuring independence of the judiciary, increasing responsibility of judges and the judiciary update on the criteria of competence, ethics and virtue. He outlined the major amendments concerning the powers of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, such as the singling out of the functions of the Court in the justice system, removal of the interpretation of laws from the powers of the Court, strengthened independence of the Court, transparent competition for the office of a judge of the Constitutional Court and the introduction of constitutional complaint.

Oleksii Filatov also mentioned that for implementation of the rule of law in Ukraine in addition to a strong judiciary, an effective system of the execution of the decisions should be established, the reform of the prosecution and police should be completed, and the institution of advocacy should be strengthened.

Traditionally, the Summer School is dedicated to the principles and values of the European constitutional traditions that the participants will study from 25 to 30 July 2016 in Chernihiv region. The Constitutional Court of Ukraine, the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine jointly with the Association of Constitutional Justice of the Countries of the Regions of Baltic and Black Seas (BBCJ) will participate in organisation of the event.

Within the framework of the School it is scheduled to discuss important issues of the constitutional law, independent legal process, rule of law and human rights protection system dominating in the European legal tradition.

President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova Alexandru Tănase and President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia George Papuashvili are expected to be among the honourable guests.

The lecturers of the School are the well-known Ukrainian experts, scholars and researches on constitutional law, theory and philosophy of law and European Law. Among them are Yurii Barabash, Mykola Hnatovskyi, Dmytro Hudyma, Vasyl Lemak, Andrii Meleshevych, Nataliia Mishyna, Oleksandr Petryshyn, Stanislav Pohrebniak, Serhii Riznyk, Mykhailo Savchyn, Stanisalv Shevchuk, Oleksandr Vodyannikiv.

Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
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