Results of the Constitutional Court’s Activity in February

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Results of the Constitutional Court’s Activity in February

A number of plenary sessions of Boards of judges of Senates took place in the Constitutional Court of Ukraine from January 4 to February 11. As a result, 27 rulings were adopted, among which: 23 rulings, except for one the materials of which were submitted to the Senate, were adopted unanimously on the refusal to initiate constitutional proceedings, and 3 rulings - on the initiating of constitutional proceedings. It should be noted that the unanimously adopted resolutions of the Board on the refusal to initiate constitutional proceedings in the case upon a constitutional complaint are the final acts of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

The Second Senate of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine at its 12 plenary sessions proceeded with consideration of 6 cases upon 9 constitutional complaints.

At the sessions of this Senate the issue of initiating constitutional proceedings on the case upon a constitutional complaint was considered and 2 rulings were adopted: on the form of consideration of the case (№1-u(II)/2020) and on temporary involvement of the judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine from another Board of the Second Senate in the composition of the First Board of Judges of the same Senate of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, which is incompetent due to its composition (№2-u(ІІ)/2021).

During this period, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine received 54 constitutional complaints and 1 constitutional petition, in respect of which the Secretariat of the Court conducted a preliminary review on compliance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine".

According to the results of the preliminary review, 26 constitutional complaints and the constitutional petition were distributed to the judges-rapporteurs. 28 constitutional complaints were returned to the applicants as not meeting the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine” with appropriate explanations and indicating the possibility of re-appeal to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in compliance with the requirements of this Law.

In addition, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine received 66 requests for public information and 102 appeals from citizens. The Secretariat of the Court prepared and provided 110 responses, 49 of which were the responses to requests for public information and 65 - to appeals from citizens. Responses to other requests and appeals will be provided within the limits set by law.

The Legal Department of the Secretariat of the Court has prepared a total of 24 preliminary conclusions upon constitutional complaints and a petition.

The judges-rapporteurs prepared and sent 17 inquiries to state bodies and scientific institutions to clarify their positions on issues raised in constitutional petitions, complaints pending before the Court.

Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2024 Constitutional Court of Ukraine