Working visit to the Council of Europe: opening of the judicial year and discussion on strengthening confidence in the judiciary (updated)

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Working visit to the Council of Europe: opening of the judicial year and discussion on strengthening confidence in the judiciary (updated)


On January 24–26, 2018 the delegation of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, composed of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Stanislav Shevchuk and the Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Oleksandr Tupytskyi paid a working visit to Strasbourg.

The purpose of the visit was to participate in the solemn hearing on the occasion of the opening of the judicial year of the European Court of Human Rights. In addition, Stanislav Shevchuk and Oleksandr Tupytskyi took part in the international seminar "Strengthening Confidence in the Judiciary".

Solemn hearing was inaugurated by the President of the European Court of Human Rights Guido Raimondi. He emphasised that in 2019 the European Court of Human Rights will celebrate its sixtieth anniversary. Thus, he added, during the past 60 years, the ECHR has promoted the harmonization of the European standards for the protection of human rights and freedoms. Today, the European Court of Human Rights is respected world-wide and is seen as an example for others as a "lighthouse that illuminates the way for everyone who seeks to strengthen the principles of the rule of law and democracy", said the ECHR President.

Guido Raimondi also noted that it was the last time that he spoke at the opening of the judicial year as the President of the ECHR. "The experience of staying in this position will always be a reason for me for pride", added the spokesman. He noted that the burden on the Court had increased year by year, which is primarily due to the difficult situations prevailing in many European countries. On the other hand, he added, the increase in complaints submitted to the ECHR shows a high degree of trust in the European mechanism for the protection of human rights.

"Our Court, for its part, will never abandon the very mission for which it was created, in spite of differences in culture or traditions, human rights are universal in every corner of the world", concluded Guido Raimondi.

President of the Constitutional Council of the French Republic Laurent Fabius made a speech during the solemn hearing. He drew attention to what is happening in several European countries. Unfortunately, the speaker noted that today there are new threats, and they make us be extremely vigilant. According to him, ever-increasing attacks on fundamental rights that call into question the independence of the judiciary and freedom of media, as well as increased cases of arrests of political opponents, homophobic attacks, and extremism are inadmissible for democratic countries that uphold the rule of law.

"As judges who stand for the protection of fundamental rights, we cannot tolerate any form of extremism, because we protect the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the highest standards we believe in," said Laurent Fabius. He called for joint action with constant vigilance to protect human rights, prevent attacks on higher courts or the destruction of the rule of law.

The international seminar "Strengthening Confidence in the Judiciary" included discussion of issues related to the appointment, promotion and dismissal of judges, the role and complementarity of court decisions and individual opinions, as well strategy analysis of building confidence and the responsibility of other authorities to enhance and protect the judiciary.

In particular, the President of the European Court of Human Rights Guido Raimondi, member of the Venice Commission, professor of Zagreb University Jasna Omejec, Prosecutor General of Romania, professor at the University of Alba Iulia Augustin Lazăr, President of the Constitutional Council of the French Republic Laurent Fabius, Judge of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany Andreas Paulus, Judges of the European Court of Human Rights Ksenija Turković, Dmitry Dedov, Síofra O'Leary, Gabriele Kucsko-Stadlmayer and Tim Eike participated in the discussion.




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