Main tasks of Patronage Office of CCU Judge Employees

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Academic Consultant of the CCU Judge:

1) studies and analyses the legislation and practice of its application, scientific literature, other sources in order to provide the judge of the Court with the necessary information in cases of constitutional proceedings;

2) on behalf of a Judge of the Court develops and submits to the Judge of the Court within a specified period of time the draft acts of the Court and / or proposals to them;

3) executes certain instructions of a Judge of the Court to study specific aspects of cases in which a Judge of the Court is the rapporteur, prepares on his behalf draft letters of request for materials, other information relevant to the case;

4) upon the instructions of the Judge of the Court in cases in which the Judge is the rapporteur, interacts with state bodies, institutions of higher education, scientific institutions and organisations on constitutional proceedings issues;

5) executes other instructions of a Judge of the Court in connection with the consideration of court cases and on other issues of the Court's activity, which are considered by the Judge within the limits of his / her competence.


Assistant of the CCU Judge:

1) on behalf of a Judge of the Court studies normative, scientific and other sources in order to provide the Judge of the Court with timely information on cases pending before the Court;

2) on behalf of a Judge of the Court prepares draft acts of the Court and submits to the Judge of the Court the documents endorsed by him/her within a specified period;

3) upon the instructions of a Judge of the Court participates in the preparation of documents and materials on issues related to the participation of a Judge in special plenary sessions and sessions of the Court on organisational issues;

4) on behalf of a Judge of the Court carries out accounting, transfer, processing of materials in cases pending before the Court;

5) conducts record keeping in accordance with the requirements of the Instruction on record keeping in the Court, ensures the preservation of documents and materials of cases received by a Judge of the Court;

6) draws up properly the materials of cases in which a Judge of the Court is the rapporteur, in the process of their consideration and for transfer to the Archives of the Court;

7) prepares information materials on issues of constitutional proceedings in cases in which a Judge of the Court is the rapporteur;

8) executes other instructions of a Judge of the Court in connection with the consideration of court cases and on other issues of the Court's activity, which within the limits of its competence are considered by a Judge of the Court.

The CCU Judge has two Academic Consultants and an Assistant.




Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2025 Constitutional Court of Ukraine