Number Title Date File name

As to the conformity with the Constitution (constitutionality) of the provisions of articles 2.1 and 2.2 of the Law “On the amount of contributions to some types of compulsory state social insurance” (case on providing assistance on temporary disability)

17.03.05 Microsoft Office document icon 2005_0.doc

In case upon the constitutional petition of 48 People’s Deputies of Ukraine as to the conformity with the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutionality) of the provisions of item 1.17 of article 1, article 8 of the Law of Ukraine “On the procedure of cancellation of obligations of tax payers before budget and state special purpose funds (case on tax deposit)

24.03.05 Microsoft Office document icon 2005_0.doc

In case on the official interpretation of the provisions of item 4 part three article 56, item 2 part one, part 15 of article 64 of the Law of Ukraine “On the elections of the President of Ukraine” (case on the elections of the President of Ukraine)

24.03.05 Microsoft Office document icon 2005_0.doc

On the official interpretation of the provisions of article 28.2 of the Law of Ukraine “On economic partnerships”, article 4.1, part one article 4.5 of the Law of Ukraine “On property” (case on the rights of shareholders of the close joint-stock company

11.05.05 Microsoft Office document icon 2005_0.doc

On conformity with the Constitution (constitutionality) of Article 92, paragraph 6 of Section X Transitional Provisions of the Land Code of Ukraine (case on permanent use of land plots)

22.09.05 Microsoft Office document icon 2005_0.doc

On official interpretation of Article 103.1 of the Constitution in the context of Articles 5, 156 thereof and on official interpretation of Articles 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 of the Constitution (case on the exercise of power by the people)

05.10.05 Microsoft Office document icon 2005_0.doc

On the conformity with the Constitution (constitutionality) of the Decree of the President of Ukraine On Measures for Raising Efficiency of the Oil Industry Management # 814 as of July 16, 2004 (case on the oil industry management)

05.10.05 Microsoft Office document icon 2005_0.doc

On a case upon constitutional petition of the Supreme Court of Ukraine and 50 national deputies of Ukraine on conformity with the Constitution (constitutionality) of paragraphs 13.3 and 13.4 of Section XV Final Provisions of the Law of Ukraine On General Mandatory State Pension Insurance and the official interpretation of provisions of Article 11.3 of the Law of Ukraine On Status of Judges (case on the pension level and perpetual monthly monetary allowance)

11.10.05 Microsoft Office document icon 2005_0.doc

On the official interpretation of provisions of Article 106.1.10, Articles 118.1, 118.2 and 118.4, Article 133.3, Article 140.2 of the Constitution, Article 1.4, Article 8.2, Article 9.4 of the Law of Ukraine On Local State Administrations, paragraph 2 of Section VII Final Provisions of the Law of Ukraine On the Capital City of Ukraine — the Hero City Kyiv (case of specific features of the executive power and local self-governance in Kyiv city districts)

13.10.05 Microsoft Office document icon 2005_0.doc
Developed with the support of OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine
© 2024 Constitutional Court of Ukraine