Iryna Zavhorodnia

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Former Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine


Iryna Zavhorodnia was born on October 31, 1964 in Krasnyi Luch (currently - Khrustalnyi), Luhansk region.

She began her professional career in the Krasnyi Luch City People's Court as a secretary, and secretary of court sessions (1985-1988).

In 1987-1992 she studied at the Kharkov Law Institute (now – Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University).

1988-1993 – Legal Counsel of the Krasnyi Luch Executive Committee of People's Deputies.

In 1993, she was elected as a judge of the Krasnyi Luch City Court, in 1998 she was appointed Deputy Chairman of this Court.

1999-2003 –judge at the Zaliznychnyi District Court in Kyiv. Since 2003 – judge of Solomianskyi District Court in Kyiv, since 2004 – Deputy Chairman of this Court.

2011-2018 – judge of the High Specialised Court of Ukraine for Civil and Criminal Cases.

On September 20, 2018, by the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, pursuant to the results of the competition, she was appointed a Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. She took the oath of a Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on September 24, 2018.

Doctor of Law, Distinguished Lawyer of Ukraine.

According to the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine of December 7, 2022 No.8-пс/2022 she was dismissed from the office of the judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and resigned.


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