Yaroslav Romaniuk

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Yaroslav Romaniuk
(Member of the AGE)

Lawyer, retired judge and former President of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, Doctor of Juridical Science.

Began his legal career as assistant/ senior assistant  of prosecutor, investigator at  the prosecutor’s office, prosecutor. Has more than 20 years of experience on the bench.

In 1995, he became a judge of the Brody District Court in Lviv Region, and in 2003 a judge of the Court of Appeal of Lviv Region. From 2005 until 2017, served as a justice  of the Supreme Court of Ukraine. In 2013 was elected as a President of the Supreme Court of Ukraine.

Currently, he is the First Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of JSCB "Industrialbank" and, a representative of a shareholder of a bank (Joint-stock company “Express Beteiligungen AG”).

In 2023 appointed by the Council of Judes of Ukraine for AGE membership.






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